13th Annual Delaware Orthopaedic Symposium
Stay Tuned for More Information!
13th Annual Delaware Orthopaedic Symposium
The thirteenth annual Delaware Orthopaedic Symposium is presented by The Delaware Society of Orthopaedic Surgeons (DSOS) and ChristianaCare Division of Orthopaedic Surgery . This event will feature a robust AGENDA to include keynote addresses, multiple lectures on the latest advancements in musculoskeletal health and orthopaedic surgery and a live anatomical dissection.
Education Tracks
- Orthopaedic Surgery
- Primary Care Orthopaedic Medicine
Keynote Speaker
Target Audience
- Orthopaedic surgeons, primary care and sports medicine physicians, physician assistants, nurses, physical therapists, athletic trainers and other healthcare professionals
All education sessions are held in the John H. Ammon Medical Education Center at Christiana Hospital in Newark, Delaware. Free event parking is available adjacent to the building in Lot C.
Registration is required to attend the Delaware Orthopaedic Symposium. Online Registration for this event is not open. Please check back soon. Onsite Registration will be limited and subject to space and material availability.
Registration fees cover meeting materials, breakfast and snack. Registration fees are waived for medical students and residents with ID.
October is Musculoskeletal Health Month
Penn Leadership Academy Lecture – Joe Moglia
On October 8, 2020, Penn Medicine hosted a lecture on leadership by famed football coach and former CEO TD Ameritrade, Joe Moglia. With decades of successful leadership in finance and football, Joe now shares his lessons learned and leadership philosophy with others. Media video clips, biographical information and more are available at: www.moglia.com.
Penn Leadership Academy Lecture – Joe Moglia
AAOS Webinar
Evaluation & Management (E/M) Changes – What you need to know for 2021 – Part 1
The two-part series will be an in-depth analysis of the changes to the 2021 Evaluation and Management (E/M) services.
Part 1: Will discuss the history of E/M services guidelines, and the requested change to guidelines that go into effect January 1, 2021. This webinar will also dive deep into the specific E/M guideline changes and how to report the correct level of E/M service accurately according to the new reporting guidelines.

Arthritis Foundation Annual Bone Bash
2020 Delaware Bone Bash
To reduce the risk of contracting or spreading the coronavirus within the community, the 2020 BONE BASH has pivoted to a FUND THE MISSION letter campaign.
To learn more or to donate to the FUND THE MISSION letter campaign CLICK HERE.